Workers Compensation In North Dakota
When you are injured at work, it is vital that you tell your employer right away. Even if you are unsure of the severity of your injury, you need to let them know so that it can be documented. Injuries sometimes seem mild at first and then get worse with time so it is important that your initial injury is well documented.
You can go here to read about the workers compensation process in North Dakota. You can see the different options on the left column of the NDWSI website so click around and read it all so that you can get a good idea of what you will need to do.
Benefit Information
Injured workers can be eligible for a variety of benefits found here. However, in order to get any of those benefits your claim must be accepted by WSI first.
Disputing a Denied Claim
North Dakota is different than most states because workers compensation insurance is provided by the state and not by individual insurance companies. If your claim is denied, you need to deal directly with WSI and you can read more here. Most of the claims process from start to finish is done online through the WSI website but if you need to appeal a decision you will need to do that through email, snail mail, or by contacting people by telephone. In extreme cases a lawyer may need to be hired.