Workers Comp. North Carolina
Start here if you live in North Carolina and have been injured at work. The first five steps you need to follow are laid out for you on that webpage. Always make sure you do exactly as told by either your employer or their insurance company and if you have questions, be sure to ask. Following instructions will insure that you get all the benefits due to you and that you are not disqualified in some way.
Benefits And Other Questions
Please be sure to read through all the FAQ’s so that you can gain a good understanding of the whole workman’s compensation procedure. This is an extensive list of questions and answers related to benefits, disability payments, and other issues you might have to deal with as you get compensated for your injury.
If You Need More Help
Go to the North Carolina Industrial Commission page if you need additional help. You can also contact them if your workers compensation claim is denied to find out what you should do next. Not all claims are accepted and sometimes lawyers and litigation needs to come into play.