Workers Compensation Minnesota
A very useful place to go if you are injured at work and seeking workers compensation in Minnesota is here. This is a step by step flow chart that shows the complete process of what will happen to you and your claim. It is where you should start to get a great overview of what is ahead of you. Each of those boxes are clickable and will take you to more specific information.
Having read that you should then go to these two (here and here) FAQ pages which should answer most of your remaining questions.
Don’t forget to report your injury immediately to your boss at work and make sure they fill out any necessary paper work. Getting your claim in early will increase the chances that you will get all the benefits you are entitled to in a timely manner.
What Does Minnesota Workman’s Comp. Cover?
Workers compensation covers more than just your medical bills. It can also cover things like retraining for a new job, lost wages, and money for the loss of the use of part of your body. Check out this page for more information on what you might be entitled to.
If Insurance Denies Your Claim
If you find yourself in the situation where your workers’ comp. claim is turned down, you will need dispute resolution and you should go here. Your employer or their insurance company might be the one to deny your claim if they don’t feel your injury happened on the job.